Admin February 8, 2018

“We can ,I can”.


Cancer, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases are emerging as major public health problems in developing countries like India.

With the theme “We can ,I can”the world cancer day(2016-2018) will explore the possibilities to reduce the burden of cancer collectively and individually.World cancer day is considered as a chance to reflect what we can do and what I can do.

What is cancer?

It is a group of abnormal cells that grow uncontrollably without following the normal rules of cell division.Cancer cells develop a degree of autonomy from these rules resulting in uncontrollable cell growth and proliferation.Epidemiological studies have shown that 70-90% of all cancers are environmental. Lifestyle related factors are the most important and preventable among the environmental exposures. Appropriate changes in lifestyle can reduce the mortality and morbidity from a good proportion of cancer and heart diseases.

The initiation and progression of cancer cell depends on both external factors in the environment and factors within the cell.The external factors are use of tobacco,chemicals,exposure to radiations etc and factors within the cells are hormones,immune conditions and mutations that occurs from metabolism.As a result these cells grow and expands affecting the normal tissues around it and also spreads to other locations in the body.

So it is very important to understand that it may take months and years for these changes to accumulate and result in a detectable cancer.

Precaution against Cancers

  • Stay away from tobacco: Smoking is connected with various types of cancer such as Lung,mouth,throat,Larynx, pancreas,bladder, cervix and kidney.Even if you don’t use tobacco,exposure to passive smoking can also increase your risk of lung cancer.
  • Healthy Diet: Eat sufficient fruits and vegetables:Base on your dietery habbits consume plenty of fruits,vegetables rich in protein and fibres and food from plant source such as whole grain,beans etc.
  • Obesity:Eat what is necessary and choose fewer high calorie foods includingrefined sugars and fats from animal sources
  • Limit processed meats. A report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, concluded that eating large amounts of processed meat can slightly increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
  • Recognition of warning signs Regular body check up:

The seven warning signs of cancer

To remember the seven early warning signs of cancer, think of the word CAUTION:

  • C hange in bowel or bladder habits.
  • A sore that does not heal.
  • U nusual bleeding or discharge.
  • T hickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhere.
  • I ndigestion or difficulty swallowing.
  • O bvious change in the size, colour, shape, or thickness of a wart, mole, or mouth sore.
  • N agging cough or hoarseness.


On this cancer day we have an opportunity to assess the cancer control measures to reduce the progression and spreading of cancer among the population. The goal for all of us is to ensure fewer people develop cancer, more people are successfully treated and that there is a better quality of life for people during treatment and beyond.

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