Admin October 12, 2017


‘It’s in your hands, take action’


World Arthritis Day (WAD), established in 1996 by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) is a global initiative bringing people together to raise awareness of issues affecting people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). WAD is celebrated every year on 12th October and is supported by a year-round global campaign. The aims of WAD, set by The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), PARE (the Standing Committee of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe) and the WAD community.

Statistics of Arthritis around the World

  • More than 50 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. That’s 1 in 5 people over age 18.
  • Almost 300,000 babies and children have arthritis or a rheumatic condition. That’s 1 in 250 children.
  • The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which affects an estimated 31 million Americans.
  • Number of people expected to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis by the year 2040: more than 78 million.


  • To raise awareness of RMDs amongst the medical community, people with RMDs and the general public.
  • To influence public policy by making decision-makers aware of the burden of RMDs and the steps which can be taken to ease it.
  • To ensure all people with RMDs and their caregivers are aware of the vast support network available to them.


Musculoskeletal conditions (MSCs) are widely prevalent in present-day society, with resultant high healthcare costs and substantial negative effects on patient health and quality of life. Throughout the world millions of people are affected by arthritis, their lives being changed by the sometimes constant pain of inflamed joints. World Arthritis Day is a day to remember and raise awareness of this condition, and how it affects the lives of those that suffer with it. World Arthritis day was brought about by the Arthritis Foundation to do just that and to encourage people to help lower the burden of those suffering from Arthritis all over the world.

Theme of World Arthritis Day 2017

This year’s theme for World Arthritis Day is ‘It’s in your hands, take action’. Our aim is to raise awareness of arthritis especially rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and encourage people with it.

About Arthritis

Arthritis has been shown to have been with us as long as creatures have had bones, there’s even evidence that ankle arthritis was present in dinosaurs by the study of fossils. Research has shown that it has been present in humans at least as far back as 4500 BC, and has been shown to be one of the most common afflictions of the prehistoric peoples. Arthritis is cleanly summed up in its name, being derived from the Greek words arthro, meaning joint, and itis, meaning inflammation. As the name implies it is a condition involving inflammation of the joints, but unlike the common conception that it is a disease all its own, it is always a symptom of another affliction. Gout, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Lupus are just some of the more common causes of this painful and often crippling condition. Fortunately, current treatments allow most people with arthritis to lead active and productive lives.


Message for you

World Arthritis Day is a great time for you to get out and lend a helping hand to those suffering from this condition. If you have relatives who suffer from it, take a day to go over and help them out with the things that are made difficult for them because of their condition. Take some time to do some research and get a clear understanding of how people have their lives affected by it.


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